The Official White House Website Has Taken Down All Mentions Of Climate Change

The new Trump Administration has taken no time in taking down all mentions of Climate Change and Global Warming from the official White House website. The major link; dedicated to Climate Change policy has been completely removed.



Motherboard noticed the change when it occurred at noon ET, when the official changeover took place. A screenshot of how it appeared under President Obama is included below for references, and you can view a live version courtesy of the Wayback Machine.”

The website used to mention Climate Change as a “Top Issue” but that has been replaced with “American First Energy Plan” with a statement about Trump’s U.S Energy policies.

“For too long, we’ve been held back by burdensome regulations on our energy industry. President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule. Lifting these restrictions will greatly help American workers, increasing wages by more than $30 billion over the next 7 years.”


We must continue to fight and speak up for what is right. Deleting these important links sets a dangerous precedent that can potentially limited the amount of information that the public has to environmental issues. Trump’s short term solutions will only make the long term a more difficult battle. We cannot turn a blind eye and accept short term comforts. The world needs us and with out the U.S taking Climate Action seriously it will make lives harder for everyone.

As of right now the EPA website still has environmental issues as a “Top Issue” but that could very well change as the new Administration takes hold in the coming weeks.

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