Leonardo DiCaprio’s Documentary “Before The Flood” is all about Climate Change

Leonardo Dicaprio the Oscar winning actor and longtime environmental activist unveiled his new documentary about climate change on Friday at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)


Leo wrote on multiple social sites stating that “filming ‘Before the Flood’ was an incredible experience & today’s screening of the documentary at #TIFF16 is an honor.”

The documentary journeys around the world to show the affects that global climate change has on our planet. Leonardo DiCaprio witnesses major environmental issues around the planet; from the constant forest fires in Indonesia due to unsustainable palm oil production, to the constantly flooded streets of Miami, and the smog ridden Chinese cities.

The film also features  environmental activists as guest stars, from Tesla CEO and inventor Elon Musk, meteorologist and astronaut Piers Sellers, activist and environmentalist Sunita Narain and President Barack Obama.

In the clip below, DiCaprio and National Geographic explorer-in-residence Dr. Enric Sala visit the North Pole to see narwhals, which the World Wildlife Fund classifies as nearly threatened. Narwhals depend on sea ice for their existence and can be directly impacted by climate change.

“I don’t want to be on a planet without these animals,” Sala says in the footage.

Documentary director Fisher Stevens told Entertainment Weekly that the footage above was shot during a July 2015 visit to the Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic.

“We visited National Geographic explorer Enric Sala who was doing a study on how much sea ice has melted in the Arctic—and we were shocked to hear that by 2040 there will be no sea ice left in the summer,” Stevens said.

“For two and a half years we went on a journey to learn about the effects of climate change. How far it has gone, why there are still people denying it, and whether it is too late to do anything about it,” he continued. “We’re extremely proud that National Geographic is helping us bring this odyssey to the world.”

Stevens was the producer behind the 2009 Oscar-winning exposé, The Cove, about Taiji, Japan’sinfamous dolphin slaughter.

Powers praised Before the Flood, calling the film a “rousing call to action.”

“This isn’t the first environmental documentary and it won’t be the last. But DiCaprio’s charisma makes it one of the most accessible,” Powers wrote. “His passion and inquisitiveness radiate in his blunt talk and genuine curiosity.”

“As it sweeps us along on its fascinating tour, Before the Flood reminds us of the beauty and diversity of our world,” Powers concluded. “It also galvanizes us to do whatever it takes to save the planet—and ourselves.”

Entertainment Weekly reported that after its screening in Toronto, Before the Flood will hit theaters in New York and Los Angeles starting Oct. 21. The National Geographic Channel will air the documentary globally in 171 countries and 45 languages on Oct. 30.

Greenism is excited to spread the word of this documentary, and we hope that many people will do the same. Our Generation is the last generation capable of doing something to prevent future long term issues. If we want a loving clean home, we need to act now.

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